- ★ メッセージ Message From Apple Bee
- ★ 教育観 Educational Philosophy
★ メッセージ Message From Apple Bee
Welcome to Apple Bee! Our school was established in 2007 with the goal of providing a caring, responsive environment that has each child’s interests at its core. Our classes have a low child-to-teacher ratio, which allows the teaching staff to work closely with each child, developing learning objectives and lessons for each individual child’s particular level. Please feel free to make an appointment to tour our school and observe the classroom environment.
★ 教育観 Educational Philosophy
アッ プル ビー インターナショナル スクールでは英語を母国語とする外国人講師と日本人講師がチームになって指導します。年少・年中クラスでは、正しい発音を身につけるフォニックス、テキス トや絵本を読んだり、音楽(リトミック)、工作などにより、主に「聞く力」「話す力」を習得します。
年中・年長クラスでは、さらにロールプレーやコミュ ニケーションゲームなどの活動を通し、子ども達の発達段階に合うボキャブラリーとフレーズを学習し、「読む力」「書く力」を身につけます。
Native English and bilingual Japanese language teachers work as a team at Apple Bee International School to help students develop their English communication and interpersonal skills. Our Tulip class (students aged 2 – 4) focus on phonics for letter recognition and correct pronunciation, use picture dictionaries for vocabulary, and enjoy music (rhythmic) to reinforce learning while refining balance and body coordination. English comprehension and speaking skills begin here through repetitive listening and imitation of speech used by teachers and older students. Our Blossom class (students aged 4 – 6) further develop their English communication skills and vocabulary through activities such as reading, writing, and English language games and role plays.