Story Time “The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry,and The big hungry Bear”
今日のストーリータイムで、『The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry,and The big hungry Bear』の絵本を読みました。赤いおいしそうなイチゴを見つけた、ねずみくん。イチゴが大好きなお腹をすかせた大熊が、やってくる!! ねずみくんは、イチゴを守らないといけません。どうやって守のでしょう? みんなが大好きな絵本の一つです。
Today at story time our teacher read the book, ” The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry,and The big hungry Bear.” A mouse found a red delicious strawberry, and a hungry bear who loves strawberries comes over. The mouse has to protect strawberries. How does the mouse protect it? This is one of the picture books that everyone loves.