The Direction Game
今月のテーマは『都会と田舎』反対言葉も学習しているよ。今日は先生が『右・左』、『前、後ろ』を教えてくれた後、方向ゲームをして遊んだよ。先生が”Go straight!(まっすぐ!)“ ”Turn right!(右を向いて!)など”…指示通りに行くとカードを取ることができるよ。そのカードを読むことができたらポイントが貰えるんだよ。
Along with learning about town and country, this month we are studying opposites. Today our teache taught us the English words for various directions: right, left, go straight, go back…
After learning these directions we were able to play “The Direction Game.” Our teacher guided us to various phonics cards scattered on the floor using the directions we just learned. When reaching the card we would say the letter we found on it and recieve a point for being correct. We like “The Direction Game!”