Happy Halloween!
29日(金)、「Trick or Treat.」TKUピューマンに行って、たくさんお菓子をもらったよ。そしてそのあとTKU『若っ人ランド』収録中のスタジオ見学に行ったよ。大きなテレビカメラに写った自分の姿も見ることができたよ。と~っても楽しかったよ。
On Friday, October 29th, we went to TKU to Trick or Treat. The TKU people were very kind, they even gave us candy. They were filming Wakako Land and they asked us to be on TV with them. We could even see ourselves on the studio monitors. It was FUN!
We would like to thank everyone at TKU for showing us a fun time. We will always remember our day at TKU.Thank you very much.